Monday, October 6, 2008

After almost nine months Caden has finally decided he likes to sit up by himself!

Scott and Carter decided to extended their Fathers and sons for the whole day. The morning started off by meeting Grandpa Mac and cousin Ryan, from Reno,NV at Strawberry Reservoir. For years Grandpa Mac had not been a fan of Strawberry Reservoir because of the cutthroat trout. He feels the rainbow put up a much better fight. However, since Ryan was coming into town he called Scott to take him up there. Needless to say, Grandpa is now calling Scott to take him back up. In all there were around 40 fish caught, and probably a lot more lost. All in all, there was a lot of great memories made!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

We were able to go to the bird show at the zoo, and the host asked if anyone knew what bird was the most valuable to us as humans. Carter raised his hand and said "chicken". He was right and received a coupon for a free gallon of chocolate milk. It helped that just after the question was asked they had a chicken run across the stage.

Aniston was so excited to tell Grandma Jeppson all about her "glob" (blog) she had on the internet.
September 20, 2008
The kids and I got to have a special day with Grandma Jeppson. She let the kids pick where they wanted to spend the day. Guess where they picked -- the zoo! It was such a fun and relaxing day. Aniston and Carter got to go spend the night and go to church with grandma.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

2008 Elk/Deer Hunt

The 2008 hunt has come to an end.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Maui 2008

Aniston swings into the waterfall